Sunday, October 23, 2005


For home work I had to do the following:
1. Imagine a human/computer interface of the future (five to ten years into the future at least). Think of:
(a) what do we WANT from machines? why do we build machines?
(b) how can machines empower/disempower us? how do we create utopias/distopias?
(c) a critical approach to the words POWER, CONTROL, MEMORY
2. Take a very abstract and conceptual approach to the word "interface". The interface can either be very specific (a toaster of the future) or very general (a scenario for how humans and computers can co-exist, in a more or less symbiotic relationships).
3. Illustrate this interface with 10 sequential images. Use drawing and collage. You can only use digital drawing tools if you have a VERY compelling reason (you hurt your fingers and cannot hold a pencil or really feel that you absolutely cannot communicate the concepts that you want to get across without using a computer. Please note that you will need to justify your reasons in class.)
4. You can use either (a) narrative storytelling or (b) a juxtaposition of abstract images to create a MOOD or FEELING (think of the film 2001).
5. You can either create:
(a) a linear narrative scenario or storyboard (like a comic book)
(b) a sequence of images of a single object from different angles, at different times, or at different scales, with different amounts of detail. For example, you can use cinematographic techniques such as pan, zoom (think of the exercise you did with Therese on representing things at different scales), tilt etc...
(c) an abstract sequence of images that tell a story by association (think of the jump cut of the shots of the sheep and the men coming out of the subway in Modern Times).
6. Bring it to class next week to look at with Therese and upload for me to look at.
I tried to focus on how electronic devices have evolved and how fast these new creations were developed. Based on that, I came up with this portable computer/mp3/game/navigation system. It was stated in our homework’s specifications that we should design something that we believe might be available "10 years" from now, so I tried not to exaggerate it. I believe things 10 years from now will be much smaller, wireless and will combine most used portable devices into one. I decided to create a touch screen interface making it universal for any usage (the controls can change depending on what it is used for). The user will wear glasses where a screen and headphones will be incorporated (since it is closer to the eye it will have the dimensions of a Big Screen TV the size of 50” diagonal). This was based on two factors, first of this kind of technology is already being research and secondly based on the fact that we will all wear some kind of glasses in the future in order to protect us from high UV (ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner). There will not be any internal Hard Drive for security reasons and the user will have a bracelet that will put the device on standby when he is 1 meter away. An external Hard Drive as big as a 10 cents coin with 100GB of memory will be used (also based on currently research specifications). I believe that Hard Drives will act as credit cards in the future storing stuff such as our computer data, music, phone book, and even banking accounts. They will be small and very secure enabling us to have easy access to all our necessities with the highest security levels. We will not have wallets in our packets but some sort of a HD-pack where we will have our various Hard Drives. All the devices around us will have Hard Drive inputs (video recorders, cameras, phones, gaming devices, etc). No more DVDs or CD or any other kind of media that we use regularly today.


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