Tuesday, October 04, 2005


We had a looooooooong lecture about the history of collage and the various artists that were involved in it. We then had to create our own collages in class. The teacher gave us a statement that we had to represent using collage. Here is what we had to represent:

Self-Portrait (using your previous drawings in class): I decided to represent my initials (R-L) using only the drawings I had done in this course

34 is greater than 12: I used only pictures of watches. The top watch displayed 30 (cut off all the other numbers from the watch). The watch right after showed the number 4 (same way, I cut out the rest of the numbers). The middle watch shows the greater than sign with its arrows. The lower watch represents the number 12 (cut out the number 12 only).

Monkey: This took me a while since I had to represent a monkey without using a monkey or anything that represents it. So I decided to cut out all the black haired women that I found in the magazines and use their hair to represent my monkey. I then cut out the biggest mouth I found and some eyes to make it look a little more like a monkey (well at least I tried). I used the green color around to show a jungle like entourage.

I want to fly: For that I used blue colors that I cut in shapes of clouds. I found an alcoholic drink called SKYY so I used it as well.


34 greater than 12:


I want to fly:


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