Tuesday, September 27, 2005


For home work I had to draw a symmetrical drwaing. Below is the outcome of that.

Below are my drawings.


Well this class started off by a representation of several images. These images displayed several concepts that were discussed during class.

The second half of the course was all drawing. We were asked to draw using a specified concept. This seemed simple since we were given the freedom to draw as we wished. However, as I went on drawing I realized how hard it was to draw something when not allot of details are given to you.

I never realized that each drawing had a sort of concept linked to it. There is always a meaning or a way to see an image and most likely we all have a different observation towards it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


For home work I had to draw three views of space: one inche from my nose; the second a mid-range view; and the third a distant vista.

Below are my drawings.



I was asked to draw my hand without looking at what I was actually drawing. Every line carved in the palm of my hand had to be carefully traced without lifting the pencil, a continuous line that was darken at thick points and lighten at thin points. At the end of this exercise, my paper had lines going all over the place, and in some instances actually resembling the hand that I was drawing. You can see the outcome in figure 1.0

The next exercise dealt with drawing an object with a continuous horizontal line. I was given a small light bulb and had to draw it without lifting my pencil or tracing the shapes contour. This was not a blind drawing like the first exercise so I was allowed to glance as I was drawing. Figure 1.2 shows the results

On the 3rd exercise we were asked to draw a chair in several ways within a certain amount of time:

  1. Using 1 continuous line (figure 1.3)

  2. Using 3 continuous lines (figure 1.4

  3. Using 5 continuous lines (figure 1.5)

I felt that using a single line to draw the chair demand less thinking and allowed me to draw the chair at a faster pace.

Last exercise was the easiest of all. I was to draw the contour of an object of my choice. This can be seen on figure 1.6.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


My name is Ron and this is my very first semester in Computation Arts. I switched from Computer Science in order to diversify my studies. I graduated from Vanier College in Computer Science and decided that studying Computer Science in Concordia was redundant for me.

I am currently working full-time and studying part-time. I am a Database Manager at a clinical research company. I am planning to become a full-time student starting fall 2006. It is not easy to work and study at the same time but I am up for the challenge. Since I want to finish my bachelor degree and work in the graphic design domain, I decided that I should quit my current job and follow my goals.